Payara 5 RC1 available for testing

We are happy to announce that Payara 5 release candidate 1 is now available for download.

Payara 5 is the first release that will include all of the Java EE 8 and MicroProfile 1.2 components, including a special build of Mojarra (JSF 2.3) based on the 2.4 master in which a lot of refactoring has been done, and a special build of Soteria (Java EE Security) based on the 1.1 master with several bug fixes.

The full list of changes are available from the links given below:

Payara 5 runs all the Java EE 7 samples, all the Java EE 8 samples and all of the MicroProfile 1.2 samples.

If no major bugs surface Payara 5 Final should be released soon.

Arjan Tijms


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