
Showing posts from March 11, 2015

The most popular Java EE servers in 2014/2015 according to OmniFaces users

For a little over 3 months (from half of November 2014 to late February 2015) we had a poll on the OmniFaces website asking what AS (Application Server) people used with OmniFaces (people could select multiple servers). The response was quite overwhelming for our little project; no less than 840 people responded , choosing a grand total of 1108 servers. The final results are as follows: Position Server Votes (Percentage) 1 JBoss (AS/EAP/WildFly) 395 (47%) 2 GlassFish 206 (24%) 3 Tomcat/Mojarra/Weld 186 (22%) 4 TomEE 85 (10%) 5 WebSphere 55 (6%) 6 WebLogic 49 (6%) 7 Tomcat/MyFaces/OWB 33 (3%) 8 Jetty/Mojarra/Weld 19 (2%) 9 Geronimo 13 (1%) 10 JEUS 11 (1%) 11 Liberty 9 (1%) 12 Jetty/MyFaces/OWB 9 (1%) 13 JOnAS 8 (0%) 14 NetWeaver 8 (0%) 15 Resin 6 (0%) 16 InforSuite 5 (0%) 17 WebOTX 4 (0%) 18 Interstage AS ...