
Showing posts from March 23, 2014

Implementing container authorization in Java EE with JACC

A while back we looked at how container authentication is done in Java EE by using the JASPIC API. In this article we'll take a look at its authorization counterpart; JACC/JSR 115. JACC, which stands for Java Authorization Contract for Containers and for some reason also for Java Authorization Service Provider Contract for Containers is a specification that according to the official Java EE documentation "defines a contract between a Java EE application server and an authorization policy provider" and which "defines classes that satisfy the Java EE authorization model." .   Public opinion While JASPIC had only been added to Java EE as late as in Java EE 6, JACC has been part of Java EE since the dark old days of J2EE 1.4. Developers should thus have had plenty of time to get accustomed to JACC, but unfortunately this doesn't quite seem to be the case. While preparing for this article I talked to a few rather advanced Java...