
Showing posts from December 4, 2016

The state of portable authentication in Java EE, end 2016 update

In the beginning and middle of this year we looked at how well modern Java EE servers supported portable authentication (JASPIC) in Java EE. As the end of 2016 approaches we take a third look to see how things are progressing. Since our last time new versions of all servers have been released. Payara went from 163-beta to 164, WildFly went from 10.0 to 10.1, Liberty beta went from 2016-5 to 2016-11, WebLogic went from 12.2.1 to and TomEE went from 7.0 to 7.0.2. We also added a new server, namely Tomcat. Tomcat was indirectly already tested via TomEE, but given the importance of standalone Tomcat we decided to put this one in explicitly. Do note that Tomcat is not a full or web profile Java EE server, so the integration tests for technologies it doesn't support (like JSF, CDI, etc) are simply omitted. Tests were added for request.authenticate , an injected CDI request , the servlet path after a forward , isMandatory in a SAM , and finally for a SAM request to be seen ...