
Showing posts from April, 2016

Servlet 4.0's mapping API previewed in Tomcat 9.0 m4

Without doubt one of the most important Servlet implementations is done by Tomcat. Tomcat serves, or has served, as the base for Servlet functionality in a number of Java EE application servers and is one of the most frequently used standalone Servlet containers. Contrary to what is often thought, Tomcat is not the reference implementation for Servlet; the build-in Servlet container of GlassFish is. Even though important parts of that GlassFish Servlet implementation are in fact based on Tomcat it's a different code base. Normally GlassFish being the RI implements new spec level functionality first, but unfortunately during the Java EE 8/Servlet 4.0 cycle the GlassFish team is working on other assignments and hasn't worked out a schedule to incorporate this new functionality. Luckily Tomcat has taken the initiative and in Tomcat 9.0.0.M4 the proposed Servlet 4.0 Mapping API has been implemented. This API allows Servlet users to find out via which mapping a Servlet wa