Jakarta EE 2020 Survey: which EE versions do people use?

At OmniFaces we have a survey running about Jakarta EE . The first question is about which version of Java EE/Jakarta EE people use. While the final results are not yet in, let's take a sneak peek at the preliminary results. Which versions of Java EE/Jakarta EE have you recently used? (select all that apply) Java EE 8 is clearly taking the lead with Jakarta EE 8 in the second place. We see that J2EE 1.4 and Java EE 5 usage is very low, though there's still a sizeable amount of people using Java EE 6 (about 10%). When we zoom a little into the Java EE 6 figure, we learn that Java EE 6 users do for a large part use higher versions as well: As Java EE 8 and Jakarta EE 8 are functionally identical, and differ mainly by their license, it's perhaps interesting to look at how these two relate to each other. For that we looked at the results where people said to only use Java EE 8, only use Jakarta EE 8, or said to use both of them: As can be seen ab...