JEUS application server: The story continues

In a previous blog post I wrote about JEUS, a Java EE 7 certified application server that is popular in Korea but pretty much unknown elsewhere. In this follow up I'll report about the latest findings and take a look at how to deploy an application to JEUS and do some debugging. The previous installment was quite a story, but there's more. The us domain that was previously just gone briefly flickered into existence again, and it indeed offered the much sought after JEUS 7 download link; jeus70_linux_x86.bin . In order to get this I once again had to register a new account, and this time the signup process limited my password to 12 characters and did not allow capitals and non-alphanumerics (the 4 other signup processes that I went through did allow this). Unfortunately after a few hours the site suddenly featured completely different content. It's now largely, but not entirely, identical to the main corporate site , and doesn't feature the JEUS 7 download link anym...