OmniFaces 2.1-RC1 has been released!

We are proud to announce that OmniFaces 2.1 release candidate 1 has been made available for testing.

OmniFaces 2.1 is the second release that will depend on JSF 2.2 and CDI 1.1 from Java EE 7. Since Java EE 7 availability remains somewhat scarce, we maintain a no-frills 1.x branch for JSF 2.0 (without CDI). For this branch we've simultaneously released a release candidate as well: 1.11-RC1.

A full list of what's new and changed is available here.

OmniFaces 2.1 RC1 can be tested by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml:


Alternatively the jars files can be downloaded directly.

For the 1.x branch the coordinates are:

This one too can be downloaded directly.

If no major bugs surface we hope to release OmniFaces 2.1 final soon.

Arjan Tijms


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