JASPIC improvements in WebLogic 12.1.3

Yesterday WebLogic 12.1.3 was finally released. First of all congratulations to the team at Oracle for getting this release out of the door! :)

Among the big news is that WebLogic 12.1.3 is now a mixed Java EE 6/EE 7 server by (optionally) supporting several Java EE 7 technologies like JAX-RS 2.0.

Next to this there are a ton of smaller changes and fixes as well. One of those fixes concerns the standard authentication system of Java EE (JASPIC). As we saw some time back, the JASPIC implementation in WebLogic 12.1.1 and 12.1.2 wasn't entirely optimal (to WebLogic's defense, very few JASPIC implementations were at the time).

One particular problem with JASPIC is that it almost can't be any different than that its TCK is rather incomplete; implementations that don't actually authenticate or which are missing the most basic functionality got certified in the past. For this purpose I have created a small set of tests that checks for the most basic capabilities. Note that these tests have since been contributed to Arun Gupta's Java EE 7 samples project, and have additionally been extended. Since those tests have Java EE 7 as a baseline requirement we unfortunately can't use them directly to test WebLogic 12.1.3.

For WebLogic 12.1.2 we saw the following results for the original Java EE 6 tests:

[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test .......................... SUCCESS [1.140s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-common ................... SUCCESS [1.545s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-basic-authentication ..... FAILURE [7.533s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-lifecycle ................ FAILURE [3.825s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-wrapping ................. FAILURE [3.803s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-ejb-propagation .......... SUCCESS [4.624s]

java.lang.AssertionError: User principal was 'test', but it should be null here. The container seemed to have remembered it from the previous request.
 at org.omnifaces.jaspictest.BasicAuthenticationStatelessIT.testUserIdentityIsStateless(BasicAuthenticationStatelessIT.java:137)

testPublicPageNotRememberLogin(org.omnifaces.jaspictest.BasicAuthenticationPublicIT)java.lang.AssertionError: null
 at org.omnifaces.jaspictest.BasicAuthenticationPublicIT.testPublicPageNotLoggedin(BasicAuthenticationPublicIT.java:44)
 at org.omnifaces.jaspictest.BasicAuthenticationPublicIT.testPublicPageNotRememberLogin(BasicAuthenticationPublicIT.java:64)

java.lang.AssertionError: SAM methods called in wrong order
 at org.omnifaces.jaspictest.AuthModuleMethodInvocationIT.testBasicSAMMethodsCalled(AuthModuleMethodInvocationIT.java:54)

java.lang.AssertionError: Response wrapped by SAM did not arrive in Servlet.
 at org.omnifaces.jaspictest.WrappingIT.testResponseWrapping(WrappingIT.java:53)

java.lang.AssertionError: Request wrapped by SAM did not arrive in Servlet.
 at org.omnifaces.jaspictest.WrappingIT.testRequestWrapping(WrappingIT.java:45)

WebLogic 12.1.3 does quite a bit better as we now see the following:

[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test .......................... SUCCESS [1.172s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-common ................... SUCCESS [1.802s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-basic-authentication ..... FAILURE [6.811s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-lifecycle ................ SUCCESS [3.847s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-wrapping ................. SUCCESS [3.777s]
[INFO] jaspic-capabilities-test-ejb-propagation .......... SUCCESS [4.800s]

java.lang.AssertionError: User principal was 'test', but it should be null here. The container seemed to have remembered it from the previous request.
 at org.omnifaces.jaspictest.BasicAuthenticationStatelessIT.testUserIdentityIsStateless(BasicAuthenticationStatelessIT.java:137)

In particular WebLogic 12.1.1 and 12.1.2 didn't support request/response wrapping (a feature that curiously not a single server supported), called a lifecycle method at the wrong time (the method secureResponse was called before a Servlet was invoked instead of after) and remembered the username of a previously logged-in user (within the same session, but JASPIC is supposed to be stateless).

As of WebLogic 12.1.3 the lifecycle method is called at the correct moment and request/response wrapping is actually possible. This now brings the total number of servers where the request/response can be wrapped to 3 (GlassFish since 4.0 and JBoss since WildFly 8 can also do this).

It remains a curious thing that the JASPIC TCK seemingly catches so few issues, but slowly the implementations of JASPIC are getting better. The JASPIC improvements in WebLogic 12.1.3 may not have made the headlines, but it's another important step for Java EE authentication.

Arjan Tijms


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