New Jakarta EE 8 Certified server: Primeton AppServer V7

Somewhat as a surprise, a company called Primeton Information Technologies, Inc recently filed a certification request for a new Jakarta EE 8 compliant server called Primeton AppServer V7. In this blog we're going to take a quick look at what this server entails. As Jakarta EE is a very complete platform, from scratch implementations are rare to basically non-existent, so it's interesting to see what's exactly in Primeton AppServer V7. Within a Jakarta EE certification request, a link where the product (or a trial thereof) can be downloaded is mandatory, and Primeton indeed provided one . Today's Internet users normally have it easy. One clicks on a download link, and the software effortlessly transfers to your machine. Thanks to 500mbit+ speeds which are becoming increasingly common in this part of the world, most downloads take mere seconds. If you're from a certain age though, you may remember how different this was in the late 80s and early 90s. Dial-up m...