Java EE 7 server Liberty 9 beta 2016.1 tested for JASPIC support
IBM recently released the latest monthly beta of their modern and light weight Java EE 7 server; Liberty 9 beta 2016.1 . Previous beta releases of Liberty 9 already performed quite well when it came to Java EE's portable authentication (JASPIC), but weren't perfect yet. In this article we take a look to see if JASPIC support has improved in the latest release. To find out we executed the JASPIC tests against this latest release. For comparison the previous Liberty beta as well as the latest (snapshots) of Payara and WildFly are shown. One thing to note is that previous downloads of recent Liberty betas were always for a full Java EE 7 server. For some inexplainable reason this month's beta is "only" a Java EE 7 web profile. Possibly this is a bug on the download page , as the size that as stated (116 mb) is not the same as the actual archive that's downloaded (94 mb). One of Liberty's unique features is that it has a very elaborate and smooth system...