
Showing posts from 2016

The state of portable authentication in Java EE, end 2016 update

In the beginning and middle of this year we looked at how well modern Java EE servers supported portable authentication (JASPIC) in Java EE. As the end of 2016 approaches we take a third look to see how things are progressing. Since our last time new versions of all servers have been released. Payara went from 163-beta to 164, WildFly went from 10.0 to 10.1, Liberty beta went from 2016-5 to 2016-11, WebLogic went from 12.2.1 to and TomEE went from 7.0 to 7.0.2. We also added a new server, namely Tomcat. Tomcat was indirectly already tested via TomEE, but given the importance of standalone Tomcat we decided to put this one in explicitly. Do note that Tomcat is not a full or web profile Java EE server, so the integration tests for technologies it doesn't support (like JSF, CDI, etc) are simply omitted. Tests were added for request.authenticate , an injected CDI request , the servlet path after a forward , isMandatory in a SAM , and finally for a SAM request to be seen ...

Custom authorization rules on IBM Liberty

Last month we presented a way how a Java EE application can provide custom rules for authorization . The code shown in that article was developed and tested using Payara . We're now going to look at how the code can be used on some other servers, starting with IBM's Liberty. Liberty has a highly modularised architecture and features a rather amazing way by which and end user can compose the runtime. By means of its server.xml file, a Liberty user can add or remove nearly every individual feature that Liberty has independently. The Liberty core system keeps track of the dependencies of each module representing such feature and adds or removes its dependencies accordingly (in a way not quite unlike what a tool like Maven does at build time). All this power does come at some price. For Liberty the JACC provider which is needed to implement the logic behind the custom authorization rules has to be turned into a Liberty specific module (called a user feature), which is quite a...

Simplified custom authorization rules in Java EE

In a previous article we looked at implementing a Java EE authorization module using the JACC specification. This module implemented the default authorization rules as specified by the JACC-, Servlet- and EJB specifications. In this article we go beyond that default algorithm and take a look at providing our own custom authorization rules. In order to implement custom rules, one would traditionally ship an entire JACC provider with factory, configuration and policy. Not only is this a lot of code (JACC doesn't have any code that can be reused, for the smallest change everything needs to be implemented from scratch) , it's also problematic that a JACC provider is global for the entire application server, while authorization rules are almost always specific for an individual application. Even when you adhere to the best practice of using one application per server , it's still quite a hassle to re-install the JACC provider after every little change separately from the app...